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The westside staff and faculty are excited to welcome you!


We understand the start of a new school year can be hectic. Here, we hope to provide some useful information and resources that will assist you in navigating the beginning of the school year.
Our goal is for each student to be successful and to learn, grow, and inspire together. We want students and their families to feel the excitement and anticipation of the year before it begins and to be active and engaged in the learning taking place.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ This is going to be a great year, Westside!
  • Know your child’s timetable – post it somewhere visible. 
  • Access the school website and read the newsletters to receive information.
  • Encourage your child to participate in school events, clubs and activities.
  • If you want to better understand something you hear from your child, call their teacher to check it out. 
  • Resist the urge to rescue your child when they have a challenge. Support your child’s learning, don’t do their school work for them. If the challenge is a social situation, listen and let them find solutions with your guidance.
  • Encourage them to talk to their teacher, guidance counsellor, student success teacher, or Principal when they need help.
  • Hold high expectations for your child and show them in your words and through your behavior that you know they can succeed.
  • Celebrate your child’s hard work and achievement of any kind.
  • No matter how old they get or how busy you get – ask about their day – talk about their day – celebrate their day!​


Scroll down to find more information about the following:
  • Athletic Information
  • Placement Assessments
  • Key Contacts
  • Bell Schedule (available in August)
  • Carpool Map (available in August)
  • Ways to get Involved
  • New Student Tips
  • Quick Links

Let's Have a Great Year!



Dates and Events to Remember

July 28-August 3: OSAA Moratorium Week - all facilities are closed for the week.

Monday, August 19th | Fall Sports Begin
If you are interested in playing a fall sport, below is the contact info for coaches:
Sports Physical Form

Students need to have an OSAA Physical on file in order to participate in WCHS athletics. This form can be found HERE. Sports Physicals are good for two years. Questions? Contact


Tuesday, August 20th | Freshmen “Thrive” event 
  • More details soon
Textbook & Chromebook Check Out
  • Tuesday, August 20th (9th Grade ONLY) → tbd
  • Tuesday, August 27th (all grades) → 4 to 6 pm


Tuesday, August 27th - 6 to 7 pm | Back to School BBQ  
  • Our Back to School BBQ is Tuesday, August 27th, from 6:00 to 7:00pm! Join us for delicious food and community as we enter into the excitement of this coming school year. Burgers and hot dogs will be served. If you have any dietary restrictions, please plan accordingly. 
Tuesday, August 27th - 7:00 - 8:30 pm | New Student Orientation and Parent Orientation  
  • Following the Back to School BBQ on Tuesday, August 27th, our New Student Orientation (on the field) and Parent Orientation (in the auditorium) will begin at 7:00 and end at 8:30pm.
Tuesday, August 27th - 7:00 - 8:00 pm | Senior Project Parent Meeting  
  • Following the Back to School BBQ on Tuesday, August 27th, the Senior Project Parent Meeting will begin at 7:00 and end at 8:00pm. This meeting will be in the library and will provide helpful information on the Senior Project your students will be doing this coming year. 


*Click here to view the complete Year at a Glance


First Day of School | Tuesday, September 3rd

Picture Day | Thursday, September 5th




Placement Assessments


Assessments are available for incoming 9th grade students and new student transfers.

Students who want to take any of the following classes need to come to Westside and take a 30-60 minute placement assessment. 

  • Spanish 2
  • Any Math class beyond Algebra 1
  • AP World History
  • English 9 Honors

To schedule, please contact Scott Ball at or 503.697.4711 x1222.


Key Contacts



Scott Ball, Assistant Principal for Academics

Mr. Ball creates each student's academic schedule. He should be your students' first point of contact with any questions regarding scheduling, such as adding or dropping a class. Mr. Ball also hosts our annual "Going to College" seminars for parents. 



David Henry, Athletic Director

Mr. Henry is the main point of contact for any athletic questions. Students who plan to participate in any conditioning activities this summer or fall will need to have a OSAA Physical Form completed from their doctor. 





Cassandra Tyner, Director of Finance

Mrs. Tyner is the best resource regarding any billing questions including tuition and fees. 



Ways to Get Involved


Student Council (STUCO)  
There will be two students from each grade elected to represent their class each year.  If you are interested in STUCO and serving your class by providing input into student activities, this is for you.  Elections will be held in the second week of school. All three school events are planned by STUCO: Fall Fest, Sadie Hawkins, and Prom. They also host two to three class parties each year with activities such as snow tubing, Bullwinkle parties, bowling, movie nights, game nights, karaoke and more.


Student Ministry Team (SMT)
This team focuses on the spiritual life of the student body. If you would like to make an impact for Christ among the students, this is a way to foster discipleship among your peers.  You will be able to use the talents the Lord has given you to work at events like Community nights and Chapels.
SMT is an amazing opportunity to serve the Westside community through spiritual life and student leadership. If you are at all interested in joining this team, please look over the job description and fill out an application (click here for more info).


Student Ambassadors 
These students are selected to represent WCHS at a variety of events, which include Open Houses, Back to School nights, and guides for new students and other outreach to the community. If you are outgoing and love to meet new people, this is a great opportunity for you.
You can be a student ambassador by contacting Mr. Housley.



Electives and Extracurriculars 


Westside Christian's award-winning music program is the best in the state for Choir and Band. There are four different music classes for Westside students: Westside Voices, Concert Band, Soli Deo Gloria, and Ignite Worship Team. Westside hosts two concerts each year highlighting all Westside music students. Westside's band and choir compete in statewide competitions for the 3A level.
Contact Mr. Fox, Westside's Music Director, with any questions.   


Westside offers 12 sports programs that compete at OSAA's 3A level. Westside Christian strongly encourages each student to be involved at WCHS, which allows our students to try new things and actively participate in the community.
You can learn more about the programs outlined below by contacting our Athletic Director Mr. Henry
Cross Country
Boys Soccer
Girls Soccer 
Volleyball - Girls 
Boys Basketball
Girls Basketball
Sideline Cheer 
Baseball - Boys
Softball - Girls 
Golf - Boys  
Tennis - Girls 
Track and Field
Volleyball - Boys 


Visual Arts
Westside offers many different art classes for students at all levels and of all interests in art. Students can participate in 2D design classes starting at intro to art and work through advanced art, up to AP studio art and 3D design, in which students develop portfolios. Students can also take Digital Design and learn the skills of Photoshop and Illustrator. Lastly, Westside offers a yearbook class that provides students an opportunity to represent their year at Westside.


Performing Arts 
Westside started a theatre program in 1987. Students have the opportunity to participate in straight plays, one acts, and musicals each year. It is an extracurricular opportunity that allows students to act, produce, set-design, costume, and provide technological support. Theatre is a great way to get involved in a community and try something new.
If you have questions about our theatre program, contact Ms. Pringle.



New Student Tips


Quick Links



Academic Questions:
Scott Ball, Academic Counselor
503.697.4711 x1222
Financial Questions:
Cassandra Tyner, Director of Finance
503.697.4711 x1240
Student Activities:
Melissa Allen, Director of Activities
503.697.4711 x1355
Athletic Director:
David Henry, Athletic Director
503.697.4711 x1202